No Fads
No Gimmicks
No Bullshit
The Stallion Package
90 Days
6 One-On-One Meetings
3x Blood Work Review
Lifetime Support

Become a
Month 1: Discovery
This is the beginning of your new life. The first month of your program is designed to explore and test what works best for you and your lifestyle.
Our methodology is based on committing to a lifestyle that is achievable and sustainable for the rest of your life. No fads. No gimmicks.
Month 2: Commitment
Month 1 is done. Now it's about commitment. Each day, each week, is an achievement towards success. The old saying, "it's a marathon not a sprint" applies directly to this month.
Commitment and discipline go hand-in-hand. One of the building blocks in our programming is strengthening your discipline in all aspects of your life.
Month 3: Lifestyle
Our program is not another "fad" diet. We don't eliminate entire foods groups. This is a lifestyle that you can manage and be excited about for the rest of your life.
Fad diets fail. They don't work. Our programming works because it's made and designed for you.